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Double Branch Church

Preaching and teaching from Clint Adams, Pastor of Double Branch Free Will Baptist Church. Double Branch Church is an evangelical congregation that meets in Unadilla, Georgia.

Aug 31, 2018

David and Goliath is a story that numerous people have known and yet what are some of the story's main teachings to us? It teaches that God is the ultimate hero and that He uses weak people and weak things, at least in the world's eyes, to accomplish His purposes. David ate the showbread that was only for the priests,...

Aug 30, 2018

As it has been pointed out by others, giving today to a church can be looked upon with suspicion. Do churches use guilt tactics and manipulation to lead people to give? Though there are abuses, the Bible tells us that giving to the work of God is a good action that all who can should do. Christians are expected to give....

Aug 29, 2018

1 Samuel is about the transition of Israel from being led by judges to being led by kings. Samuel was the last of the judges, and is remembered in one way by being a man of prayer. Saul is the first king of Israel but because of his sin God took away the kingship from him to bring David to the throne. God looks at the...

Aug 22, 2018

What happens to those men who do not know anything about God and die in that condition? The Bible tells us that there are no men like that. Everyone knows about God, even if they have never had a Bible. Romans 1 teaches that men suppress the truth that God has revealed to them. Psalm 19 tells us that the heavens declare...

Aug 21, 2018

Jesus has given some "hard," yet wonderful teaching that goes against our natural, fallen desires. The teaching to love our enemies certainly is one of the hardest and highest. It is not enough to love those who love us and hate those who are our enemies. Jesus says we must love those who are our enemies. Why should we...