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Double Branch Church

Preaching and teaching from Clint Adams, Pastor of Double Branch Free Will Baptist Church. Double Branch Church is an evangelical congregation that meets in Unadilla, Georgia.

Jan 28, 2019

The Gospel according to John is one of the most well known books in the Bible. John's main purpose is found in John 20:31 where he says he has written this book so people will believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing they may have life in His Name. The first 18 verses tell us many...

Jan 27, 2019

In this last part of the study of Job we look at some of the great statements in the book, part of God's response to Job, and the conclusion of the book.

Jan 27, 2019

It does not matter if we are poor, rich, or any other circumstance or trait, our standing with God in Christ is all that matters in life.

Jan 21, 2019

The Bible says we must become like children if we are going to inherit the kingdom of God.