Sep 24, 2020
We look at church discipline, that the unrighteous will not enter heaven, and have a testimony and baptism. Scripture we look at is from 1 Corinthians 5 and 6.
Sep 21, 2020
Why is it that sometimes it seems like God really "speaks" to us when we read the Bible, and then at other times it seems like we see no great thing in the Bible? In this message we look at one reason for this from Ephesians 1:18.
Sep 14, 2020
We think that humanity has really advanced. On the surface, there are ways in which we could say that. However, in the things that matter, humanity has not changed any since Adam and Eve sinned. Not only has humanity not changed, but God has not either. This message is from Genesis 3:7-24.
Sep 10, 2020