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Double Branch Church

Preaching and teaching from Clint Adams, Pastor of Double Branch Free Will Baptist Church. Double Branch Church is an evangelical congregation that meets in Unadilla, Georgia.

Nov 12, 2018

We continue with looking at different questions and objections that one may face when speaking to others about the things of the Lord.

Oct 30, 2018

What are some of the great truths we need to communicate to those who are not Christians? We need to tell them about God. He is loving and forgiving, but He will not forgive anyone’s sin unless they repent. We need to speak to them about sin. They need to see that they have sinned against God and one way of helping...

Oct 30, 2018

When speaking to people about their souls, Christians should be friendly, kind, firm yet loving, and never rude. We should be “natural,” normal human beings. Do we wait to build a relationship with someone before we witness to them or do we witness the first time we meet them? Again, if we see ourselves as normal...